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Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:12 pm
by Vadi
Yeah I couldn't install that on Crossover.


Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:44 pm
by Shota
Crossover... You are using Mac?

Weird. I really expected you to be on Linux. =P I got it to run on Linux under WINE.

(Actually, I've gotten -everything- to run in Wine. A buddy and I forked a distro a while back specifically for running Linux on Apple's iPod music players. Long story short: I got World of Warcraft to run over the WINE layer on Linux, -on a 5.5-generation Video iPod.-)

P.S. sry 4 teh über-troll


Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:40 pm
by Vadi
No, I'm on Ubuntu. Just purchased CrossOver Linux Games though yesterday, I bought Civ5 and they were giving me a 50% discount ($20).

I thought the .exe was an installer. Running it as a command worked.

Their room list seems to be a bit better formatted than the Nexusnew clients, but I'm not really getting your point in their differences.


Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:38 am
by Shota
What do you mean 'getting (my) point in their differences'?


Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:08 pm
by Vadi
`Why bother with fancy, expensive GUIs when simple text-boxes can list vital character information?'


Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:46 pm
by Shota
Oh, well I was actually remarking how Newxusnew and Revelation are similar in that regard.

I don't think Rev uses any graphical displays outside of regular controls found in MSVC 6.0.


Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:49 pm
by Vadi
I see.


Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:07 pm
by KaVir
Sorry to necro the thread, but I was looking for information on MXP and wanted to respond to this particular point:
Shota wrote:I think all the energy behind the MXP movement could easily be channeled into GMCP. It has new features (with kinks we could be working out!) and the potential to do a lot of the same things MXP does.
The two most commonly supported MXP features are links and 24-bit colour, and IMO those are really the only options worth adding anyway. The latter isn't so important IMO, as Mudlet supports 256 colours already, and I find those are more than sufficient for most purposes. However I make extensive use of links, and you can't very well add those to GMCP.

I saw Vadi had created a script for clickable URLs, and I bet that could fairly easily be adapted to MXP's <send> tags, but muds aren't going to send that data unless Mudlet successfully negotiates MXP.

I've been considering adding another special case to my ATCP hack, a sort of "pretend they're using MXP" option, so that a Vadi-style script can capture "<SEND>command</SEND>" or "<SEND HREF="command">text</SEND>" and replace them with links (although there'd need to be some concept of MXP mode as well). Would this be feasible purely from a scripting perspective, or would it do strange things to do the screen width?


Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:28 pm
by Vadi
It should be fine. We have one player who added a custom color tag parser for a proprietary MUD and that looks fine.