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Feature Request: Undo Button

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 6:47 pm
by Belgarath
I think something that would save a lot of Mudlet users some frustration down the line is if there was an "undo" button, perhaps placed right next to the delete button in the script editor so that if something is *cough* accidentally deleted, you can click that magic button to bring it back. What are your thoughts on this?

Re: Feature Request: Undo Button

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:18 am
by SlySven
Nice in concept but with the current spaghetti that is dlgTriggerEditor.cpp it would be hard to do currently IMHO. Don't forget the normal <Cntrl>-z undo combo will recover from typing something that just wipes out all the text you had accidentally left selected before entering the next word - provided you have not clicked or otherwise let the focus leave the script editor entry window (the mid-to-bottom right side one in the editor).

Part of the problems we have had with script content going AWOL in the past is the zeal with which we attempt to save what is in that window when you do move the focus away because the first save will probably have been wanted but if the window gets cleared ready for the next item to be put there and a second attempt is made to save the same data probably because of a different thing that happens when the focus is changed also triggering a "save" action then the now empty window is then saved AGAIN to the original item thereby nuking its intended contents... 8-(

Re: Feature Request: Undo Button

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 8:35 pm
by Vadi
I'm a fan, but the whole idea of undo makes it a little untrivial to impelement in any application unless you design for it from the start. Noted though.