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Mudlet Beta-15 released

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:33 pm
by Heiko
Beta-15 is now available for Windows, Mac OSX 10.5 or later and GNU/Linux.

Re: Mudlet Beta-15 released

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:45 am
by velinion
Is there a changelog available?

Re: Mudlet Beta-15 released

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 10:33 pm
by Heiko
Normally, we have better changelogs, but sadly not this time. But here is a rough overview.

new features:
keep trigger chains open or keep triggers firing for n lines. This is a generalized feature that is important for many trigger chains that deal with multiple line patterns e.g.
given this text from the MUD:

You can see exits to: east
and down.

You can now make a chain. (Before you couldn't because the chains only worked on content that was contained in the same line.)
The chain head triggers on You can see exits to: (\w)
and then you add child triggers to the chain one for each direction e.g. "west", "nort" etc.
If you know how many lines are going to come that are related to the chain you can simply set the "fire length" value of the trigger e.g. 5 for keep chain open for 5 more lines.
If you don't know how many lines are going to come then you can add a trigger that detects the end of the chain processing and call the function setTriggerStayOpen( triggerName, 0 ). This will close the chain or stop the trigger from firing until the trigger pattern matches the next time. Then the chain will stay open again for the set amount of lines.

other new functions:

profile_home_folder = getMudletHomeDir()
display( yourTable ) this function is a pretty print function to show the content of variables and tables of any complexity.

several bug fixes e.g. a crash on xterm 256 color mode, setTextFormat() didn't ignored the red value of the foreground color etc.

small documentation update.
killTimer() has been fixed. This function now returns true if the temp timer has been killed or false if the temp timer could not be killed because it didn't exist anymore or it was not a temp timer.

Easy buttons were not working correctly in sub-sub menus. This has been fixed.
Empty regex capture groups are not silently ignored anymore. (this fix is in the latest git and in Mac OSX Beta-15, but not in windows-beta15 yet, but I'll update the windows binary soon.

And some small other cosmetic fixes.

We are close to our first stable release now.

Re: Mudlet Beta-15 released

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:05 pm
by Heiko
Shenlon has uploaded the Mac OSX package now.

Re: Mudlet Beta-15 released

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:43 am
by Arkholt
Yep. This *should* work on 10.4 as well as 10.5. Unfortunately, this is the only version you'll get from me like that, since I've updated to Snow Leopard. I can still do 10.5 and higher binaries, but that's it. As in the Snow Leopard post, if anyone is using Tiger and wants to try it out, please do, and tell me how well it works. Thanks. :)

Re: Mudlet Beta-15 released

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:26 pm
by aeturnum
Access is currently denied for me on the OS X Beta-15 update and full release. Just thought you should know.

Re: Mudlet Beta-15 released

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:13 pm
by Heiko