One tool is Qt's own translation system, which allows any piece of text that the user gets to see to be replaced with text in a different language when they run an application that has been both internationalised {a.k.a. "I18n"} ( = constructed to be used for different languages - hopefully a one time process, with any new code subsequently added being so added in a way that supports multiple languages) and then localised {a.k.a. "L10n"} ( = translated into the required language, in a process for each localisation). Neither step is necessarily trivial, parts of the user interface can be awkward to get right at the I18n stage for every target and every change in source text used there will require a corresponding update in each and every L10n.
A specific factor is the Lua system that is available to users to add their own functionality to the Mudlet application to customise it both to their own desires and to work more effectively with the particular MUDs that they wish to play. At this point in time a developer (well, myself!) is making provision to prepare to supply error messages that can be localised - which is not too complicated. However the Application Programming Interface (API) that Mudlet presents to the user/script writer is not so straightforward a matter. The simplest, and most robust approach will be NOT to try to support non-EN-us language so, for comparison with other possibilities, given a room ID number i the command to get the exit to the north and east of that room will be
Code: Select all
lua echo(getRoomExits(i)["northwest"].."\n")
Code: Select all
lua display(getRoomExits(123))
southeast = 78,
west = 80,
southwest = 77,
northeast = 67,
east = 70,
north = 68,
["in"] = 120,
northwest = 66,
south = 76,
up = 7521
Code: Select all
lua echo(getRoomExits(i)["noroeste"].."\n") {ES-es}
Code: Select all
lua echo(getRoomExits(i)["nord-ouest"].."\n") {FR-fr}
Code: Select all
lua display(getRoomExits(123))
sudeste = 78,
oeste = 80,
sudoeste = 77,
noreste = 67,
este = 70,
norte = 68,
en = 120,
noroeste = 66,
sur = 76,
subir = 7521
} {ES-es}
Code: Select all
lua display(getRoomExits(i))
["sud-est"] = 78,
ouest = 80,
["sud-ouest"] = 77,
["nord-est"] = 67,
est = 70,
nord = 68,
entrer = 120,
["nord-ouest"] = 66,
sud = 76,
dans = 7521
} {FR-fr}
Code: Select all
lua reenviar(obtenerSaleHabitación(i)["noroeste"].."\n") {ES-es}
Code: Select all
lua répéter(obterSaeDoCuarto(i)["nord-ouest"].."\n") {FR-fr} etc.
The "translate everything" would be the cleanest for non-English speakers but would need the most work of all - if it was done completely and properly (and the design of Mudlet was completely static) then to those users it would seem an Application that was completely native to them. However, the design is not yet static and to be honest I'm not sure it will ever be completely so. The extra work involved to maintain and test in multiple languages could be too much for the current team to achieve and require developers who can deal with both the English source and the languages that are chosen to be covered.
Another developer has proposed doing what translations are required in the Lua system itself, after all, it is can process information very quickly and I understand there is already a gettext implementation for Lua. There is certainly scope there but it is not yet something I can speak on - and it would only cover the Lua system - we'd still have to use the Qt system for the UI that the application presents. I suspect that the Qt system may well use gettext underneath anyway!
Anyhow this rather long post is just my thoughts on the subject. I'd be interested to hear what others think on this and hope they would point out any other relevant points that I've missed or errors in my assumptions...