What am I doing wrong..?

Geyser is an object oriented framework for creating, updating and organizing GUI elements within Mudlet.
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What am I doing wrong..?

Post by Saros »

First, I am totally new to Mudlet/LUA, so I am sure you'll get some laughs from my code.. :shock: ;) :lol:

Code: Select all

function createHpGauge(gname, xpx, ypx, gmessage)
	local gauge = Geyser.Gauge:new({name = gname, x = xpx .."px", y = ypx .."px", width = "80px", height = "15px",
										message = gmessage, fgColor = "white",},
		background-color: RoyalBlue;
		padding: 1px;
		background-color: gray;
	return gauge

function createManaGauge(gname, xpx, ypx, gmessage)
	local gauge = Geyser.Gauge:new({name = gname, x = xpx .."px", y = ypx .."px", width = "80px", height = "10px",
										message = gmessage, fgColor = "white",},
		background-color: ForestGreen;
		background-color: gray;
	return gauge

--function createLeftBar()
	leftBar = Geyser.Container:new({x=0,y=0,width="100px",height="100%",name="leftBar"})
	local xcord = 10
	local ycord = -50


	gaugeHpMakena = createHpGauge("gaugeHpMakena", xcord, ycord, "Makena")
	ycord = ycord-100
	gaugeHpAhriman = createHpGauge("gaugeHpAhriman", xcord, ycord, "Ahriman")
	ycord = ycord-100
	gaugeHpFey = createHpGauge("gaugeHpFey", xcord, ycord, "Fey")
	ycord = ycord-100
	gaugeHpTyler = createHpGauge("gaugeHpTyler", xcord, ycord, "Tyler")
	ycord = ycord-100
	gaugeHpSaros = createHpGauge("gaugeHpSaros", xcord, ycord, "Saros")

	ycord = -33
	gaugeManaMakena = createManaGauge("gaugeManaMakena", xcord, ycord, "")
	ycord = ycord-100
	gaugeManaAhriman = createManaGauge("gaugeManaAhriman", xcord, ycord, "")
	ycord = ycord-100
	gaugeManaFey = createManaGauge("gaugeManaFey", xcord, ycord, "")
	ycord = ycord-100
	gaugeManaTyler = createManaGauge("gaugeManaTyler", xcord, ycord, "")
	ycord = ycord-100
	gaugeManaSaros = createManaGauge("gaugeManaSaros", xcord, ycord, "")
That code creates the gauges as expected, but also results in this:


This does not seem right, what am I doing wrong?

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Re: What am I doing wrong..?

Post by Jor'Mox »

Display it (meaning, put in this code somewhere at the end: display(gaugeManaTyler) ), and once we see what is in it, we may be better able to explain what is going on. Honestly though, I'm not super familiar with the variables tab in Mudlet...been working without it for so long, that I don't really know what to expect from it.

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Re: What am I doing wrong..?

Post by Saros »

The output is crazy long... too long to display in my post


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Re: What am I doing wrong..?

Post by Jor'Mox »

Looks like geyser going nuts. I tossed geyser a while back because it couldn't keep up with what I wanted to do. It was super slow when I had to resize me screen.

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Re: What am I doing wrong..?

Post by SlySven »

You've found a bit of, well, not exactly an, easter-egg but something sort of like that...

Lua has a single data type structure (a "table") and all the global stuff - global variables, global tables and, yes, functions are all stored in a master structure (the "_G" table) so when the Variable tab is opened it shows all of these. To be honest I'm not entirely sure why we show functions but I haven't yet done much in that area and I'm not the expert on it (I believe chris is the man behind it all). Anyhow the data for your shiny new gauge is stored as a table which the geysar "library" stores in that table you can see. There is an option to hide things in the display but the actions of that and the "save" option do not seem (to me) to be entirely intuitive when tables are involved... :?

BTW The Variable tab is not updated interactively it is a snapshot of what everything was when it was last redrawn - if a script/alias/etc. runs and adds/modifies/removes something in what is shown it does not show those changes unless you switch to a different tab and return to it. Although this can be irritating, it is done for performance reasons, as monitoring each item and redrawing everything if anything changes would slow things down... :geek:

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Re: What am I doing wrong..?

Post by Saros »

Thanks for the background info SlySven, definitely helps to know whats going on!

I changed my code to below and everything works as "expected": The gauges are correctly created in the "hidden" geyser table, unlike before. Not sure why this works and the other code did not.

With the original code I posted, the gauge that was showing up in the variable tab (not a part of the hidden geyser table) was inaccessible, setValue() would fail, etc..
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
RoninMUDUI = RoninMUDUI or {}
RoninMUDUI.leftBar = RoninMUDUI.leftBar or Geyser.Container:new({x=0,y=0,width="100px",height="100%",name="leftBarName"})

RoninMUDUI.leftBar.gaugeHpMakena = RoninMUDUI.leftBar.gaugeHpMakena or Geyser.Gauge:new({name = "gaugeHpMakena", x = "10px", y = "-50px", width = "80px", height = "15px",
										message = "Makena", fgColor = "white",},RoninMUDUI.leftBar)
	background-color: RoyalBlue;
	padding: 1px;
	background-color: gray;

RoninMUDUI.leftBar.gaugeHpAhriman = RoninMUDUI.leftBar.gaugeHpAhriman or Geyser.Gauge:new({name = "gaugeHpAhriman", x = "10px", y = "-150px", width = "80px", height = "15px",
										message = "Ahriman", fgColor = "white",},RoninMUDUI.leftBar)
	background-color: RoyalBlue;
	padding: 1px;
	background-color: gray;

RoninMUDUI.leftBar.gaugeHpFey = RoninMUDUI.leftBar.gaugeHpFey or Geyser.Gauge:new({name = "gaugeHpFey", x = "10px", y = "-250px", width = "80px", height = "15px",
										message = "Fey", fgColor = "white",},RoninMUDUI.leftBar)
	background-color: RoyalBlue;
	padding: 1px;
	background-color: gray;

RoninMUDUI.leftBar.gaugeHpTyler = RoninMUDUI.leftBar.gaugeHpTyler or Geyser.Gauge:new({name = "gaugeHpTyler", x = "10px", y = "-350px", width = "80px", height = "15px",
										message = "Tyler", fgColor = "white",},RoninMUDUI.leftBar)
	background-color: RoyalBlue;
	padding: 1px;
	background-color: gray;

RoninMUDUI.leftBar.gaugeHpSaros = RoninMUDUI.leftBar.gaugeHpSaros or Geyser.Gauge:new({name = "gaugeHpSaros", x = "10px", y = "-450px", width = "80px", height = "15px",
										message = "Saros", fgColor = "white",},RoninMUDUI.leftBar)
	background-color: RoyalBlue;
	padding: 1px;
	background-color: gray;

Thanks for all the hard-work that has gone into this amazing project! Mudlet kicks ass!

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