Qt 4.7 is out!

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Re: Qt 4.7 is out!

Post by tsuujin »

so... code it? If you believe the rest of us aren't up to par to your innovation, go show us up.

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Re: Qt 4.7 is out!

Post by Shota »

tsuujin wrote: Either you're misinterpreting the extent of 3d coding I want to be able to have access to, or you've had no to limited experience doing that kind of coding.
I think neither...
tsuujin wrote: Lua is highly limited in this respect, and I don't believe the language was ever intended to be used for it.
This is where we're missing each other. The statement you made -- 'Lua is highly limited in this respect' -- isn't backed here with any concrete explanation of why Lua is limited in object-oriented programming. My experience with Lua has been different than what you're offering here, and I suspect the limitations you're talking about have little to do with the Lua language itself.

You should grab a copy of the Programming in Lua book. The OOP paradigm is something that was carefully considered into the design of Lua from the beginning. Tables can work as objects. Classes can easily be implemented as prototypes with full inheritance (even multiple inheritance). Privacy is easy to achieve -- short of simply not accessing something in an object you don't to access (lol) -- it's trivial to implement interfaces to objects to protect their contents.

Lua is designed to be as flexible as possible and allow you the freedom of deciding how you are going to go about implementing a feature. I'm sorry to be rude, but your statement was more or less, "You don't understand what the problem is or you are talking about solutions without any real experience."

My quip is, "You are passing off a lack of familiarity with some basic, powerful concepts of Lua as limitations of the language."

"I don't know how to do this." == "Lua can't do this." --> false

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Re: Qt 4.7 is out!

Post by Shota »

Vadi wrote:"I don't see an eagle-eye icon on the top right corner of the screen that indicates line-of-sight to target. If I have no line of sight, the icon fades (becomes transparent), if I have line-of-sight, it becomes solid. If my target is a denizen, it disappears completely." Well you can do that. I posted some media on the interface I've made myself that should give a little of the idea of what is possible!

I've yet to see someone have such a seamless interface as this one either: http://www.mudlet.org/wp-content/upload ... /GAt1d.png

The mapper is in infancy stages, and doesn't have any APIs related to drawing things in it. We're still working out the actual mapping part. Of course, if you're experienced with C++, then feel free to pitch in. I wouldn't mind starting a technical discussion on the bindings
Ah, that's beautiful Vadi! Mostly I dig the final-fantasy-esque avatar! :D Yeah, I would certainly dig that. Currently I've been pulling apart MXP from two other clients to see what it takes to mash it into Mudlet.

I'm glad you didn't take my remark about innovation the wrong way. I think you're interface is very neat, and I especially like the way your system renders inside.

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Re: Qt 4.7 is out!

Post by Vadi »

Not mine unfortunately, I'm not that artistic. It's his nick Alexander Divine / something else (you'll see it in gui threads).

In regards to MXP, do you mean server-side MXP? If so it's a bit of a longstanding issue / decision, best to start a new thread to discuss it.

Edit: And yes, you can set 'borders' in Mudlet which allow for very neat things. For example, check out tsuujin's screen shake script.

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Re: Qt 4.7 is out!

Post by Shota »

It's really pretty, that's for sure. I'm a really big fan of 'toolbar' interfaces similar to the hotkeys found in World of Warcraft.

When I'm bashing, a certain set of hotkeys/status bars become visible, while others are hidden. Turning raid-mode draws differents hotkeys and switches offensive aliases as per my system. I play on a small screen a lot of the time, so I like to maximize space. Even things like arrows drawing in appropriate locations on the screen to point non-blocked, exitable directions. This is a gui action triggered to certain events happening in the game. For example, if I get ganked when I'm not deffed, I want my system to show me clear paths to move and line-of-sight for sprint/dash.

As far as the MXP thing goes, I don't want to get off-topic, but I meant patching MXP support in Mudlet. The Flash client does some nifty things. I like being able to do inventory management through clicks, opening doors, etc.

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Re: Qt 4.7 is out!

Post by Shota »

Oh yeah, I started using tsuujin's screenshake (adopted from the critical hit shaker) in antitheft. Nothing like a good screen-shake to inform you that a serpent is trying to lift your gold :D

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Re: Qt 4.7 is out!

Post by tsuujin »

Shota wrote:Oh yeah, I started using tsuujin's screenshake (adopted from the critical hit shaker) in antitheft. Nothing like a good screen-shake to inform you that a serpent is trying to lift your gold :D
Good idea. The funny thing is that I don't use that script myself. It bothered me having text I'm trying to read moving around on me.

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Re: Qt 4.7 is out!

Post by Vadi »

tsuujin wrote:
Vadi wrote:Yeah heiko's said he's looking to providing a more down to earth 2D api... I'm not sure about 3D though - if the context necessary for it can be just put into the main display like a label can be.
Really it'd be fine to just provide a rectangular display surface that can be imposed on top of the text window (in exactly the same way that the current 3d mapper works)
Oh man, I just realized that yes the mapper embedding works this way, was going to post, then read this, and it's exactly what you meant. Sorry, I thought you meant the dragged-out version of the mapper.

Yeah, this would definitely work. Now the question of real bindings...

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Re: Qt 4.7 is out!

Post by Shota »

Vadi wrote:Yeah, this would definitely work. Now the question of real bindings...
I'm not home right now, but I will be later.. I'm in, though. I think this is a good direction!
tsuujin wrote:Good idea. The funny thing is that I don't use that script myself. It bothered me having text I'm trying to read moving around on me.
I know! I thought the script was so cool, I had to find some use for it. The simple fact is, my gold gets lifted from me a -lot- less often than I land critical hits. Since I've put the shaker in (antitheft), I've only had it fire once and that was during testing.

It's just nifty knowing it's there, and when(if) someone does finally try to rob me, I definitely won't miss it!

The thing is, no matter how advanced my antitheft gets, there's no substitute for paying attention. Don't get me wrong, it's pretty good, but you can't script for every eventuality. Nothing grabs user attention like the screen going all caddy-whompus. =D

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Re: Qt 4.7 is out!

Post by tsuujin »

I keep telling myself to find an audio file that could play on a theft attempt... and forgetting when the time comes that I actually can.

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